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FREE Video for Vermont Educators and Vermont Law Enforcement For A Limited Time.


Produced by:

The Children’s Advocacy Center at CUSI and The NoodleHead Network


For Students in Middle through High School. 19 minutes.


We teens generally want to make the right decisions. But there are times when we don’t know what the right decisions are. That’s especially true when it comes to sex.


How are we to know what’s right, if we don’t know what the rules are?


That’s what this video is all about. We’ve role-played six situations involving sexual behavior. We’ll tell you what laws apply to each scenario, and we’ll describe the legal consequences.


We hope that once you’ve viewed the video, you’ll be better equipped to recognize these types of situations.

To secure your free copy, please E-Mail us at kidpower@noodlehead.com and indicate your preference for DVD or VHS. 



This project has been supported by the Byrne Memorial Formula Grant #2002-DB-BX-0050 awarded to the Vermont Department of Public Safety by the Bureau of Justice Assistance. The materials are being distributed for free for a limited time to educators and prevention organizations within Vermont with funding from The Fletcher Allen Health Foundation.

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